GitHub - Signing Commits using GPG
How do you sign commits locally using git on OSX?  

    Create a new key pair

    First download GPG Suite to create and store your GPG key passphrase (you don't need to download this app to generate a new key pair, but it makes your life easier -- maybe).

    Open GPG Keychain and click New on the top to create a new key pair. Fill out the form and press Create Key to generate one.

    GPG Keychain

    Now right click on your newly created key pair and click Copy. Created key pair

    We'll use this copied key to add a new GPG key on GitHub.

    Adding a new GPG key

    Navigate to your GitHub account -> Setting -> Access -> SSH and GPG keys and click New GPG Key on the bottom.

    Add a new GPG key

    Now paste your key here and click Add GPG Key and you're ready to go.

    Sigining commits

    Use -S flag when committing changes:

    1$ git commit -S -m "signing commits :)"

    If you get a passphrase is unmatched error, you need to tell git which GPG key you're using.

    If succeeded, push your commits.

    1$ git push

    And check your commits from GitHub repo and you'll see a label Verified attached next to your commit. Verified

    If it says Unverified, make sure you've added the right GPG keys from the setting.


    If you want every commits to be a signed commit by default, set commit.gpgsign to be true:

    1# local 2 $ git config commit.gpgsign true 3 4 # global 5 $ git config --global commit.gpgsign true
